A Message from The Team: Peace is Your Power + Spiritual Awakenings All Over
Hey there!
There's a wave of peace hitting the earth right now, and it's a night to be still, to let go and to literally... Let god.
What does this mean? Well, I'll let my spiritual guides, the A Team, tell you.
Hello loved ones!
We are back again to share with you our wisdom and serenity. For there is much you wish to accomplish on your planet and in your dimensional space, and you will. You already are.
We want to start by sharing that if you feel peace, allow it in more. IF you do not, do not judge yourself right now.
When you feel peace, you find your power. When you find your power, you remember who you are, and when you know who you are - or rather, WHAT you are - the world becomes a loving, open, abundant place to be.
All are welcome under god's eyes, but often on your plane of experiences, you look at others and you judge them. But we would tell you to love them, because they are part of you. They are each an identity wanting love, They are beings just like you who came here for your love, and you were here to help them with their love.
As you begin to bring forth your own wonderful new essence, you'll feel lighter, serene, and in the loving flow of life. Your judgments and yes, your thoughts, will cease to flow at least in the way they did in the past. You'll find that your source of inner peace and presence is growing, and that you feel steady, secure, solid, even in the ebbs and flows of life.
There is so much that life has to offer you - so much that the Universe wants to give you - so why try to control it all? Why try to go it alone and try to control the events and the flow of your miraculous existence, when there are magic and miracles waiting for you?
There are gifts coming for you, loved ones. Your peace, presence, and power to adapt, to flow, to enjoy, to find the everyday beauty, will only support you on your journey and in your evolving love for yourself and the world around you.
- Many of you are experiencing stronger intuition right now, as is our dear one, Allison. This is a very exceptional ability and yet - it is innate to all of you. No one is exempt from their own inner wisdom, their own inner state of knowing, of sensing, of flowing. Intuitive development will only grab you and pull you forward in a way that feels clear and "right" in the moment. Often you'll sense things out ahead, because that is the irony of being so present; you often open up your auric field and end up reading the landscape without trying so you'll "pick up" information without a second thought.
Watch for moments that you "just know" something is coming. Pay attention to the seemingly random bits of clear information that come through. They will feel like clear, centered, unemotional information; facts. Not emotions, judgments or wishes. Same with spiritual messages; these will come clear and centered, and sometimes with a hint of solar plexus energy. They may make you feel LOVE, deep LOVE, or even emotional afterward if it is a loved one of yours coming through from the other side (which is actually right here on earth.)
Write down your intuitions. Write down your spiritual connections, messages, visions, images in your mind, or messages that seem to come synchronisticaly from other people or sources in your world like books or podcasts. Watch them unfold/ strengthen the reinforcement that they are there and you are not crazy.
These abilities are NATURAL. This will help those of you on the verge of this very beautiful blossoming of your intuitive gifts.
For many of you, you're having what we would call, another layer peeling back. You're having another "stage" of awakening. There are some of you who are already aware of your channeling abilities, your intuitions, your empathicness....
And now you are experiencing more clairvoyance or clairaudience or perhaps you're feeling very overwhelmed and yet excited.
When you are in this stage of awakening, this is the complete meshing of spirit, source and your earthly physical reality; in actuality, our world is not separate from yours at all. You simply don't always see it or feel it, hear it or touch it. (At least many of you are not aware that you do.)
At this time, you may want to seek guidance and council, emotional partners or someone who has had experiences with this type of thing so that you feel supported and centered. These experiences can make you question everything you know because you are indeed, experiencing that SOMETHING MORE that you've always wondered about... And yes, there is SO much more to this world than meets the eye!
This is NOT a scary thing; in fact, you may feel LOVE - deep love, that spans across all time, dimension, space and reality at this time. You may feel deep peace, and yet feel overwhelmed by the things you're seeing, hearing, smelling, knowing, thinking...
Remember to reach out to supportive people. Lean into love, and ask for higher guidance, and continue to meditate and walk outside. Do things that keep you present, and at peace, and remember that you are loved, you are safe, your spiritual guides will ALWAYS have your back, and there are numerous sources of love and wisdom available to you at this time.
Do not let yourselves sink into overwhelm. Take your time, sleep well, and anchor into your new found gifts of love and support right now.
It's time for many to awaken to the spiritual universe, and this is a gift to have love surround you. Do not fret or be afraid; we are here to help you create peace, love, abundance and harmonious solutions on earth.
Love will always find a way, and we will help those of you who are willing to ask us for it.
The Spiritual Guides
Founder, Coach + Channel
Channeling for Change is open for enrollment!
The 8-week course is designed to support your spiritual growth, channeling abilities, connection to spirit, and self trust in your own intuition.