I’m so excited that you’re here! I know that leaving the past behind and opening up a new beginning can feel a little weird. Many people have felt lost and anxious, frustrated because what they were told would work in life, didn’t for them. They long for a new way, a way where love leads, and life is easier - more manageable… more… exciting!
Many people were given a very patriarchal approach to life - one that promised if they worked hard, they’d get to live the life they wanted. But many are realizing that isn’t the case.
People want a better way - they need a better way. A way that provides wellbeing, creativity, love, prosperity not just for some, but for all. While I don’t have all of the answers, the more I trusted my guides on the other side, and my intuition, the better things got. The more I leaned into the help of the Universe, the better things got. Over the years, I’ve helped many men and women with a new way - a way that lets in a bit more magic, ease, creativity and FUN. While there is no one size fits all approach to life, this approach has worked for many people, and I hope that you sincerely get something good out of it!
The goal isn’t to have the future all figured out. It’s not about it being perfect, or knowing everything, or getting everything “right”. It’s about welcoming a way of life little by little that feels more authentic for YOU. It’s about finding YOUR way, the way your intuition wants to guide you.
Your intuition will always guide you exactly where you need to go; it is the seat of your soul. It is the main thing that your guides and teachers on the other side use to help you, too!
And you deserve that help and wellbeing! For you are truly a spiritual being, having a human experience.
As a psychic and medium, I’ve been asked by my own guides to create this course with their help. (I mean, they were the ones who taught this approach to me and to many of my clients over the years! I think that is probably why it works so well for so many.)
I hope it helps you!
Allie (your channeler, and guide through the process)
The 8 Course Lessons:
Make Peace with the Past & Get UnStuck
Create The Vision For Your Ideal Future (with the Help of Your Future Self & Soul!)
Create Your Roadmap, Intentions & Goals (with Vision Board, ritual and specific process!)
From Force, to Flow: Using Everyday Intuitive Actions to bring your vision to life with more ease
Identify Unique Gifts & Strengths to Live Your Path To More Prosperity and Ease
Move and Groove, Relax and Receive: Learn How to Tune Into The Universe’s Wisdom
Reflect & Celebrate Your Growth: Recalibrate If Needed
Beginning a New Cycle (Do It All Over Again!)
A few things…
The course is not “one size fits all”… nor is life. That is why it helps you tune into your own intuition, so it is right for you.
You have access to ALL lessons right away, so you can go at your own pace.
It is up to you how much time you take between classes! Some people will do one lesson per week. Others may do the whole course in a day or over a weekend.
This is not a replacement for therapy or any professional mental health treatment. I’m simply sharing something that has worked for me and many people that I have worked with.
Take what you want, leave the rest. Tweak the steps or add your own practices as needed! Make it work for you. I just ask that you try each thing ONCE - just to see what works :)
If any step is so difficult that you’re in tears or stressing out, let it go. Come back to it another day.
Meditating more often, talking to guides or your higher self, using your intuition… can feel “weird” at first! Totally normal!
Not everything you try will work the first time around, and that’s ok! New practices or ideas take time to work.
Embrace surprise and delight! Use this course and these practices doesn’t guarantee that everything you want or see will come true! There will still be many experiences that you could never predict - and even BETTER.
The goal is not to know every little piece of your future. The goal is to feel a little bit better as you go living your life!
Reach out to me if you have questions or any weird tech things happening here: spiritspeaker2022@gmail.com
getting unstuck
Know About The Nervous System, why people get stuck, and how to help your body find safety again.
Download: Use the Nervous System workbook to help you with this section. You’ll want to also read up on the nervous system on your own, and find resources and practical exercises to help you. Keep this handy during the course.
There are 3 primary nervous system states accordingly to polyvagal theory. I have listed a bit of information below and encourage you to look online for ways to identify how you’re feeling, and to find ways to shift out or into different states as needed while doing the course lessons.
Ventral vagal state
The optimal state for health and well-being, where you feel safe, connected, and able to communicate and regulate your emotions. This is a “secure” feeling - like whatever comes into your life, you can handle.
This is the ideal state for channeling, tuning in with your guides, or using your intuition!
Sympathetic state - fight or flight (fawn as well)
A state of anxiety, anger, fight-or-flight, and mobilization. In this state, perceive threat or danger and need to seek safety. This may have spinning thoughts, like you can’t get off of a hamster wheel of worry or obsession (yes, infatuation, obsession can be a FLIGHT response!). It can also be thoughts of anger, outbursts, sudden aggression. Fawn is the “just be nice” people pleasing tendency we see so often in our culture - also called “tend and befriend”. It is a way we try to stay safe when we perceive someone as a threat even if they may not be.
Dorsal vagal state - freeze
A state of shutting down, depression, dissociating, collapsing, and immobilization, where you feel your life is immediately threatened. This is very common with burnout - regardless of what caused it. Many people who have an “avoidant” attachment style or response that shows up during conflict or when emotionally overwhelmed, are truly in freeze or flight.
Learn more about the nervous system and ways to shift states through movement and reflection in the workbook for this section.
Now that you are aware of the nervous system, you can also look online or contact a mental health professional to help you know what triggers each state for you, and help you shift states back to safety. You can also use practices to help your body feel safe as you go through the lessons, and will notice if you begin to feel unsafe as you begin to make changes in your life.
lesson 1
Making Peace With The Past
Let Go, to Move Into Flow!
In order to open to an amazing future filled with flow, ease, wisdom, fun, and purpose, make peace with the past. Your past self did the best they could with what they had! Now, you’re ready to try some new things to invite in a wonderful future! So lets clear some of the bramble and rocks in the road, so that things can be a tad smoother for you.
When we begin to reach for something better and begin to engage our intuition, all sorts of things may come up. Fears, anger, heaviness, doubt, resistance, even incredulousness or defensiveness! There may be doubts that you can do it or that you deserve better, or you may fear that you don’t know the answers.
(If this step is too triggering for you, please lean into professional mental health support, and come back if/when ready.)
Some common reasons we get disconnected from ourselves, our desires, and our inner knowing:
Adults made decisions for you. You were told what the “right way” was, so you never got to think for yourself. When you did, you were shamed or shut down for wanting to live or do things differently.
Being told there was one path to be on, and if you didn’t follow it, you’d end up in a cardboard box.
Perhaps you tried listening to your intuition, and it began to take you outside of your comfort zone.
You’re afraid of the unknown, and assume that change will make things worse, even though you’re not very happy where you are. Note: Intuition will make things better… eventually.
Hearing or seeing things like “men lead, women follow” or “boys don’t cry” which disconnected you from your power, intent, and feelings.
Hearing “children should be seen and not heard”, which made you feel your thoughts and feelings didn’t matter, so you shut them down.
Having to “do right” by your family or not bring shame to them by being an individual - which meant doing exactly what others wanted, rather than what your heart needed.
Having to keep secrets for certain family members or friends. Think: your good friend is cheating, but he says, “Bro Code”. You don’t tell even though you feel wrong about it. Or your mom would always tell you secrets about the family and then would insist you also keep the secret even though it felt like betrayal.
Memories of being made fun of by your friends or peers for wearing something that made you feel good (an act of self expression), or memories of being shamed or guilted for doing things that made you happier and healthier.
Maybe you got guilt-tripped and fear mongered by people whenever you decided to listen to your own desires, instead of theirs for you.
Perhaps you had a controlling parent who acted like you didn’t know what’s best for you: only they do. Maybe they even punished you when you went against their wishes, so you began to shut down your own intuitions and needs - you wanted to feel safe and loved.
You spent all day making something special for your dad, only for him to criticize you and your project the moment he saw it. After that, you didn’t feel safe to do projects or follow your inspiration anymore.
Do any of these sound familiar?
Maybe you went through something different, but it still disconnected you from your inner knowing, your power, your desires, you feelings… your life flow! This first lesson is here to help you move through it, so you can hear your intuition, listen to it, and create a life you enjoy and love with more ease and flow!
For this lesson, you’ll need:
Rituals eBook (and any materials from this lesson’s ceremony)
Join the Patreon group for this course
Journal & Pen
1.meditation: honoring the past self.
Sit alone and set up your space so you’re cozy and comfy. Turn on some light music, or listen to nature sounds. Grab some tea or something to drink, light candles or burn incense if you’d like. Whatever will help the room feel right. You’re going to print the below worksheet (or open and save to your phone/computer, and grab a notebook to write if needed.)
Do the guided meditation
Then, do your Ceremony for Releasing the Past from the Rituals eBook.
Write your letter to your past self in the next step.
2. Write a letter to your past self
Take a bit of time, and write a letter to your past self in a notebook.
Reflect on anything that came through in your meditation, and write down any words spoken from your past self to you. Let the words flow intuitively - this does not need to be a long or detailed process if you don’t want it to be. For some, it will be pages. For some, it may be one or two sentences.
After you are finished, fold it up, and hold it in your hands, flowing that big, golden light to the paper. Seal it with a kiss or hold it to your heart.
You may keep it in a safe space, or some choose to burn it (in a safe space and way.)
3. move it out
Take several deep breaths, and release any remaining feelings or sensations in your body. Tune in: What nervous system state are you in right now? (Use your Nervous System doc to help you if you need to identify it.)
Now, get up, and go for a nice walk outside. Focus on breathing and enjoy the air, and on being in your present life. The present may have its challenges, but it can also have a lot of surprises and delights!
Remember: movement is key to releasing emotions from the body especially after doing a meditation or practice like this.
Set the intention that you’re now open to what the present can provide, to what your intuition knows, and to what your heart wants. Life has a lot of cool things in store for us all! It’s time to walk into it freely.
Lesson 2
Tune Into the Future
Let’s psychically tune in to your ideal future (and your future self!) with the help of your Soul Guides.
In this step, you’ll find instructions on how to access your soul guides, and your highest and best future self! These guides are truly here to help, love, and support you on your journey, and they love to inspire you! Yours already work with you, but now is the time to connect with them more intentionally to receive guidance. Keep in mind, guides work with people in a variety of ways, and what works for one person, may not work for another.
Further, you’ll see a guided meditation to help you connect with your highest and best future self who can reveal wisdom and insight for you now. Sometimes people think this is a little far fetched, but I promise you - your future self is pretty awesome and she wants to help you out… because it helps HER out, too!
A few things before you get started:
Set the Space for your Future Channeling Ritual. Some suggestions:
Sit in a quiet, comfortable space during a time with minimal interruption
Light candles if desired
Use water for flow, earth for grounding, etc. Whatever you’re drawn to.
Use scents if that is easier to ground you (like fir/cedar/earthy).
Have some light music on in background.
Have a journal ready or use the downloadable and printable worksheets in this section .You’ll want to write everything down. (Writing things down allows them to stick just a bit more.)
Have supplies ready for your Vision Mapping/Vision Boarding
Poster or poster board (Cardboard or a bulletin board are fine! You can also get crafty and use a massive empty picture frame! Whatever feels right for YOU.
Magazines, Photos or Pinterest (you’ll look up/save photos from pintrest or another place online, and then print them and add them to your board)
Tape/pushpins or glue
Markers, pens or something fun to draw or write with that suits you
Downloads for this section
Video Lesson - Vision Boarding
Meditation: Connect to your Soul Guides and Highest and Best Future Self
Join the Patreon group for this course
Journaling Pages: Record your messages
Guided Meditation & ceremony
Do the Guided Meditation to connect to your Soul Guides, and highest and best Future Self. Allow them to provide wisdom, insight and guidance on your ideal future!
You may see where things are going and what beautiful things are possible on a larger scale! Use this as fuel to see your unique and important part in this collective change! Sometimes we remember that we are part of the love that creates worlds, and it can help to spark something in us that fuels our action and dedication.
“What does the world need from me?”
“What is my soul asking for from me?”
In addition, you can do one of the rituals for welcoming your guides, your future self, or manifesting your ideal future in Your Ideal Life Rituals eBook!
2. Worksheet
Along with your guided meditation, do your worksheet linked here!
3. journal it/map it
Journal on what you were shown, and/or record it. Let your highest Future Self write to YOU with additional wisdom or advice, or words of encouragement! Engage ALL of your senses and be as detailed as possible! This can be something you do with friends and family there participating, or it can be a sacred solo process. It is totally up to you.
After, grab a fresh sheet of paper. Write down:
A Vision Statement and comittment to yourself
Example: I am devoted to bringing joy into the world through reaching my higher essence.
Example: I am devoted to helping others discover their creativity and brilliance through play, and in doing so, allow us all to rise into a better world. (My mom’s friend had something similar to this as her vision statement. Now, she has a business in which she is hired by businesses, organizations and nonprofits to help their teams brainstorm creative solutions by using Legos and fingerpaint to unlock their inner child!)
Example: I am devoted to bringing positive change and awareness of (an issue you care about) through my sense of humor, wit, and passion!
Now, write yours!
Your Core Values ( There can be anywhere from 2-8, as revealed by your soul guides and future self)
Your Purpose - as you understand it right now.
Note: these statements may change over time as you change, and that is ok! The more you evolve, so will your vision, and even your sense of purpose.
Write a letter to your future self, with these intentions. Let it flow organically.
Watch the Video for this section if you’d like guidance.
Then, create a vision board or visual representation of your vision, values, and purpose. (Remember, as you evolve, this, too, will change.)
If a vision board doesn’t feel right, try making an alter or another physical representation with items/photos/intentions, scents, totems, a candle, etc (use sound as well).
Either way, it needs to be a visual element with other sensory pieces added in.
4. vision board it
Lesson 3
Vision map Your Next 3 Months
Break it down into steps
Now that you’re working with your future self and soul guides, you can more easily embody the future you! You know - the person who has got the confidence, knowing, and inner love to go for it. So, let’s begin to break it down a bit more so that it’s not so daunting.
When we’re vision questing, it’s important to ensure that you don’t overwhelm yourself. Sometimes, seeing things very far out can be a tad overwhelming or confusing. So, we are going to break it down into 3 month segments to make it easier and more effective to set some intentions and stay the course.
A note: I know it’s tempting to go further with your planning, but try to work no more than 90 days out. 6 months, at maximum.
Downloads for this Section:
Guided Meditation: 3 Month Intention Setting with your Soul Team
Join the Patreon group for this course
You May Need:
Vision boarding materials from previous (if desired)
Alter/Visual Reminder Materials for your 3 Mo Goals
3 month vision: future self meditation
Do the guided meditation to set your intentions and goals for the best and highest path over the next 3 months. (Your Soul Team will help you step into the energy and welcome efficient, creative solutions and provide insight on what your next steps are!)
Notice: What does future self need to show you? What do they exude, how do they act and carry themselves, what do they believe in? What lessons have they learned and what have they overcome? What advice would they have for you NOW?
2. Do the Creating Your Ideal Life Ceremony in the Your Ideal Life Rituals eBook.
2. 3 month intentions worksheet
Using your Ideal Life Vision Mapping Worksheet (print it to write on, or download it and write the answers in a separate notebook), reflect:
What were you shown? How did it feel?
Reflect on your Highest Future Self: what did they do, feel like, act like, advice they had, what did they work on, did they love the path or did they want to change things?
What is it you want for the next 3 Months, and why do you want it?
Break it down: Weekly Goals, Everyday Actions
Reflect on Commitment Statement, Vision, Values, Purpose from previous step.
3. vision board: 3 months out
Follow the same steps from the previous session, but focus this vision board or alter on the next 3 months.
Set the tone, add photos of what you want, words, intentions, and more. Add smells and inner mantras. Pin daily actions to it, and reminders to trust the flow.
Lesson 4
From Force, to Flow
Everyday Intuitive Actions
Get out of force, and into flow
Using your spidey senses and intuition!
Watch the video for this lesson here!
Knowing your goals and intentions is important. Structure is important, and follow through is important… but have you ever felt that there is just… something more to it? For many people, the same structures or daily activities don’t work for them, so cookie cutter strategies just don’t work for some the same as others. And, for many people (more sensitive, intuitive folk), those overly rigid daily plans that set an itinerary for your whole day can feel suffocating and irritating.
The key: set goals and daily intentions with your soul, while also allowing intuition to help you along the way! Some things will be more structured, and some things will be very spontaneous and intuitive and you’ll end up in the right place at the right time to help you along!
So what is intuition?
It’s the little voice within that “just knows” without explanation. Using intuition will help you find the right people, right things, right info, at the right time! It is truly the most efficient way to get to where you want to go, so creating the future feels more fun in the present.
Your natural intuition reads the landscape and sees the bigger picture to help you seamlessly flow with the universe’s plan. This natural ability also lives deep in the heart of every person, and is love embodied; your intuition will never be used to harm yourself or others. It doesn’t operate that way. It can only operate when someone is in a benevolent state.
In essence, intuition is listening with your whole body, which means that you will need to let go of what you assume or think about a situation or person. Instead, you’ll find yourself feeling open, receptive, and attuned to the world seen and unseen. This is what will allow you flow, ease, and clarity on your path.
Downloads for this section:
Daily Intuitive Actions worksheet and journal (downloadable and printable, so you can use it over and over)
Daily meditation to “tune in” and strengthen your spidey senses, while calling in your guides for support
Join the Patreon group for this course
Set Reminders in phone that go off daily to remind you to check in with your intuition and body. Examples:
“Tune In Time!”
“What’s the best next step today?”
“Stop! Meditate or Tune In Intuitively before you do anything!”
“Guides, I’m open to looking at this from another perspective. Please show me.”
“I’m open to creative solutions. Universe, show me what you got!”
Make a standing appointment in your calendar to tune in with your intuition daily (This is non-negotiable! “I can’t cancel that!” (Grinch voice)
daily intuitive tune-in
Sit quietly where you can be uninterrupted for at least 15 minutes. Gaze at your vision board and written goals. Feel into them.
Meditate using the guided meditation (or your own), and/or the Ritual for Stronger Intuition in the Your Ideal Life Rituals eBook. Connect with the highest future self and soul guides, and allow them to lead you. Ask them for any insights or intuitions for your day ahead.
Pay attention to things that come through in meditation, even if they seem silly, AND then act on it, or set intent for guidance to come in through pulls, knowing, and little inklings throughout the day everyday!
Ask your intuition to lead you in the right direction, and give it permission to support you in doing the best and highest thing for yourself, and all. (This intent is key for intuitive clarity, as intuition only operates in the connection of all things. It does not work in “me, me, me” mode.)
Use your Everyday Intuitive Action worksheet, write down what you see, hear, know, ideas, nudges, people, etc! Everything counts. Even if what you saw/felt/heard/downloaded doesn’t seem to make sense right now, write it down anyways!
2.intuitive tune-up worksheet
Feel a little blocked with your intuition? Do you wonder why yours doesn’t seem to be obvious? Or maybe you get plenty of gut feelings, but you don’t trust them.
The Intuitive Daily Actions worksheet will also help to unblock your inner knowing with compassion, so that you can welcome a new chapter filled with more clarity and more ease everyday.
Keep this downloadable and printable worksheet for yourself. Use it again and again anytime you feel blocked or struggle to trust yourself.
3. video: everyday intuition experiments
In this video, I’ll cover…
What intuition is and isn’t for YOU
Why intuition gets blocked and societal issues around “knowing”
How to exercise your intuitive muscles everyday to build stronger trust
lesson 5
Identifying Strengths
Your Genius Zone
What is your superpower?
Everyone has a superpower (possibly several), that is innate to them and is used in a special way. This superpower, when used, can help you navigate life much more effortlessly, joyfully, and with a sense of purpose and presence. This superpower comes from your heart and soul; the more you use your intuition, the closer you’ll be to landing on your unique gift.
In movies, the person with the superpower often doesn’t even realize they have it until it’s needed. Sometimes, they saw flashes of it in early life, only to fear it, or to have others tell them to stop. Sometimes, people use it unconsciously or feel they can’t use it at will - it only works spontaneously. When they are cut off from this natural gift, they may have some success in life, but they always feel a longing for a sense of purpose. Shut off from their inner wisdom and ability, life doesn’t seem to flow as it should.
Inevitably, they enter a situation where the superpower is not only wanted, but desperately needed. Suddenly, there it is to help them. This gift was in them all along, even if they didn’t know it or tried to shut it off.
You have a superpower of your own.
This ability is unique to you and that only you can do. Because, well, there is only one of you on earth! You may have an inkling of what yours is, or you may not know yet. You may dance around this superpower until you land on it more clearly. This is ok! Notice that it will come to you when you are truly open and ready for it.
Any insights that come through are meant for you at this time. Embrace them! This lesson will help you begin the discovery process of working with your gift to increase ease, flow and joy in your life.
For this Lesson:
Vision Boarding Materials
Join the Patreon group for this course
Turn on some music and sit quietly at home. Or go for a nice walk to a park, sit on a blanket or bench. Grab a pen and your worksheet (downloadable and printable), and a notebook.
Special Note:
Once you begin to discover your superpower, it is up to you to use it and to stay devoted to being you. You will notice you have many abilities, but not all of them make you as happy or can be done as easily as your superpower can. If you choose work or abilities that aren’t in your superpower, you’ll eventually end up burned out, down, and finding strange blocks arising around money, prosperity, or your career.
However, any time you are offered something in life like work or money that is aligned with your superpower and your intuitive knowing, say YES to it.
This is a precious process in learning how to stay dedicated to your purpose. Saying yes to the right things will fuel you with energy that can be used for divine and unique creation, rather than draining you.
It will be scary to say no to things at times, and you may find yourself needing to say yes to things or work outside of your superpower in order to make ends meet. This is part of the society we live in, but we are moving more and more toward creating a world where everyone's needs are met financially, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. The key thing is to notice where the opportunities are that allow your superpower to be used in everyday life, and to choose them first.
2. your superpowered self
It is possible that this process may bring up some deeper feelings or resistance. In the beginning, you received a meditation to soothe yourself, to talk to your past self and comfort her. You can do this again now to reconcile any feelings coming up.
One thing that can help greatly, is to tap into an “alter ego”. Yours will share qualities of your future highest and best self that you would like to embody!
Use the Alter Ego Worksheet, and connect to your alter ego through meditation. For this one, you will not be sitting or laying down. You’ll be standing in a private space alone. Close your eyes and call in your guides to show you what person, essence, goddess, or animal you’ll want to embody to help you with becoming one with your superpowered self. Do NOT judge what comes in! Just allow it to be shown. Allow yourself to feel this alter ego, to move like them, to talk like them. Do they crawl, strut, dance wildly, move gracefully? Or do they stand tall and strong, rooted, secure? Do they smile graciously, or are they giving you permission to let the guard down and be a little bit… fierce? Do they feel secure and strong, powerful and creative, or are they displaying a relaxed, calm nature? Where is their superpower showing itself? Do they shoot magic from their fingertips, or do they lead their people with a creative and soothing nature? Do they know things, build things, heal things, create things, nurture, change or love? How do they dress? How do they breathe? How do they carry themselves? What do they know that they’d like to pass on to you? This is where you will take time to move and speak as them, and listen to and feel them for a little bit. Allow any feelings to flow as needed.
As you come out of your Alter Ego embodiment experience, close out the energy by saying Thank You! Grab your worksheet, and journal on or reflect on what came through.
If needed: Use your nervous system worksheet to identify what, if anything, you need to do. Return to previous meditations to tune into your soul guides and future self for soothing.
3. visual reminders
Grab your vision board materials, and any additional photos or printed pictures that you want to add from your alter ego - add them to it.
Add any images or words about your superpower! If yours is transmuting feelings, perhaps you add a photo of a magician, alchemist. An affirmation of “My sensitivity is my power; I can transmute anything that arises” would be great for your vision board.
An Example from my life:
My superpower is my ability to connect with the other side, to channel them in various ways in order for life to flow through me for myself and others. The alter egos who stepped forward for me, were very interesting. One was the black panther - stealthy, moving in the night, able to see in the dark when others cannot. The others were The Dark Sorceress, The Crone, and Goddess Athena. This was surprising to me, as I don’t consider myself immersed in that type of literature. However, I remembered much of what I’d reach of the crone from Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and I felt what these beings were bringing to me and through me: an ability to sit in security with my knowing. A remembrance that this ability is old as time, that it allows us to change things. That I didn’t have to be “fluffy" and that sometimes, information or guidance can be clear, direct, creative - it doesn’t need to be sugarcoated. It was also a reminder of my creative powers.
My vision board includes a witchy vibe now - an embracing of magic of life and myself. It includes elements of the black panther, courageous, stealthy, gracious, moving in the dark. (Not everything need be shared, he told me.) It also includes intentions around my inner knowing, and around the power to love being “outside the box”.
After I had this meditation, I felt a great change and power.
This will help you have a constant visual reminded of this embodiment to help you harness your superpower and come to love being in your deeper loving wisdom!
Lesson 6
learning to Receive
you get to have it good
receiving what you need
When you’re first beginning to make changes, you may notice some resistance to receiving this amazing future that you want! Remember; we all have an amazing Soul path that is fantastic and far beyond what we can imagine! We also have free will and can choose to go a different route. The energy of Receiving is a key that unlocks the door to this wonderful Soulful future.
Many people experience resistance to receiving many things - from intuitions and ideas, to support from the Other Side, to money and resources, to compliments, to genuine love and friendship, and more. There can be many reasons for this, but no matter what; you are worthy of receiving!
Receiving is a natural part of the world’s flow and balance. If you didn’t receive, you’d have nothing to give! Most of the time, life is trying to present us with opportunities and things we need, but we avoid it or block it. I see this come up the most when a woman is working on making positive changes like you are toward living your ideal life, and becoming your highest future self.
Some ways to receive more from the Universe and your Guides are in the ritual ebook, this lesson’s workbook, the guided meditation for this lesson. You can also try some of these prompts and questions:
Start your day with the question: Where would you have me go? What would you have me do? What would you have me say, and to whom?
Do your intuitive tune-ins and act on what comes through. Take intuitive actions and follow through on your intentions.
Practice noticing where you are receiving, and where you struggle to allow yourself to receive. Ask yourself, “What questions am I not even thinking to ask?” This is a very powerful question that will open up your mind and life to possibilities and allow you to see your blindspots better!
I also love the affirmation, “I wonder what amazingly awesome things are going to happen today!” It keeps me (someone who used to be riddled with anxiety) open and receptive!
Another: “Universe, I’m open to creative solutions! Show me what you got!”
“I am willing to take action where I can, but I’m out of ideas! I hand this over to the Universe to solve!” (This is not a passive approach; it’s one that allows you to work in tandem with the Universe.)
This lesson will be an important one in allowing you to receive the life you want to live - from the Soul outward!
daily meditation and ceremony
Do the Receiving Ritual in your Your Ideal Life Rituals eBook! Incorporate any elements that represent receiving to you!
Sit down each day, and allow yourself to tune in and receive through your meditation. Really listen to what the answers are with your whole body. The answers may not make sense right away, but they do not have to! Later, they will. This is part of the path of receiving: part of the gift, is the surprise and delight along the way!
2. worksheet: it’s good to receive
Do your Ready to Receive worksheet linked here. This worksheet will help you with moving through any blocks to allowing yourself to be, do or have what you want. This is a great worksheet to do post-meditation. Then, when you’re done, sit for 5 minutes again, breathing deeply into your belly, and say, “I’m ready to receive. It is safe for me to receive.”
3. part of the cycle
Part of receiving more is giving more, but from a natural pure intent. In the gene keys, this cycle is seen most in the Siddhic state - where we recognize that anything we give, we truly receive! The world works by giving and receiving in natural flow and harmony at its best. Now that you are feeling into what you have received, in what ways can you give?
(The worksheet in this section will also support you in giving and receiving so that you can open the energy to both.)
4. worksheet - receiving
Remind yourself what you’ve received or given each day by writing it down! Recognizing this will welcome in even more, and it’ll feel easier and more natural - guided by your intuition and Soul! This is because of the way the brain works; the more you notice, the more you groove neural networks and make it easier to recognize what’s working!
In a notebook or using the worksheet here, add a line down the middle to make two columns. On the left, write What I’ve Received. On the Right, What I’ve Given.
Some ideas on what to add or contemplate for your lists:
Intuitions (through any of your clairs) and messages from the other side. (The more you notice, the more you’ll receive!)
New acquaintances, meet cutes, crossing paths with old friends at the right time
Serendipitous or synchronous events - divine timing, a feeling of things just “working out” for you and others!
Money, job opportunities, business ideas, resources, meals, drinks, trips, free gas or coffee, discounts, gifts that come to you (or others!)
Ideas, insights, inspirations, breakthroughs, and creative swings that come to you or to others! (I always celebrate with my son when he gets an idea, and I often join him in the energy of it! It’s FUN!)
Fun or powerful conversations, feedback from people, the right thing said at exactly the right time.
Emotions, feelings, sensations! (Did you have a great laugh with a friend today? Did you find a moment of peace washing over you? Maybe you were angry about something, but it didn’t derail you like it would have in the past. Let yourself receive that!)
Things that seem to just work out right at the right time.
Rejection and redirection - sometimes, things that don’t work out allow better things to work out!
Nature or things in the natural world.
How your body works, moves, breathes for you. Think about it…. your heart beats, and air goes into your lungs, and your blood pumps through your veins - and you don’t need to think about it or try to do it at all!
Support, help, wise words, an ear that listens, kindness from people, a smile or someone saying hello to you (or maybe you were the person who felt open to making someone else’s day!) - name those little things!
Becoming aware of things you want!
Other people receiving what they want! (Thank you, Universe, for the awareness that people can receive great things! When you celebrate others, you’ll open yourself up to receive as well.)
Lesson 7
handling resistance
From yourself… and others!
Handling Resistance
From yourself or others
“Resistance is futile.” This quote should be emblazoned on the heart of anyone who truly wishes to meet their future self, to follow their intuition and heart’s knowing. For when you experience your intuitive awakening, you cannot go back. When people try to go back to sleep, they often become sick and sad. It’s like waking up and realizing the way you were living was a dream, and you couldn’t go back to sleep if you tried. What you know, you can’t unknow. What you’ve seen, you can’t unsee.
To allow yourself to feel better and freer on your path, you’ll need to lessen resistance within yourself as it arises. As you do, you will begin to make changes and see your life change accordingly. Many people encounter an inner turbulence that says… “What if it goes wrong? What if I end up too happy, and then I lose it? What if people hate me?” This is also, very common. Sometimes, we may feel fear or doubt just thinking about making changes! (We discussed this a bit in the very beginning of the course.)
I’ve included a worksheet to help you navigate these thoughts and fears which Gay Hendricks calls “Upper Limit Problems”.
But what about when it’s other people who are resisting the change I need to make?
When you begin to make positive changes, there may be some people who will likely judge you. You probably already know exactly who that person/persons will be in your life. This is something that is very common amongst the collective; humans LOVE to control. They fear freedom even though they want it desperately! (Remember what we covered in the first lesson about releasing the past.)
Martha Beck calls this a changeback attacks. The key thing here, is to remember that you are not responsible for how other people feel. You are not responsible for their reactions or their judgements. Now, you can be conscientious, explain yourself, deeply care for them and wish for them to support you. That’s normal. However, if you find that the changes you’re making are healthy for you, and still, people rally against you… it may be time to consider simply not informing them of your plans.
Think about it; you’re a grown adult. You have tried your best to help them understand. They still aren’t willing to be supportive - some of them may be flat out unkind. These are the people that don’t need a front row seat to your empowered life. They don’t need to know what you’re working on, why you’re doing so, or what you want to change in your life. It’s not their life; it’s yours.
Also, sometimes we assume someone will have a negative reaction to our necessary life changes, but in actuality, they’re incredibly supportive, and may even want to join you in the vision boarding process! These are your allies. You can be each other’s cheerleaders on the way, supporting each other to make heart centered changes. There is a section in your workbook to help you recognize and support these people!
Please, come and share any questions or experiences in the Patreon group for this course and support each other there! That’s what it’s for! :) (There will be additional Q&As, live chats, extra bonus updates, and group support threads in the group!)
The rituals ebook also provide rituals for releasing people and attachments to toxic relationships from the past, and welcoming fulfilling relationships and friendships in the future.
For this Lesson:
Watch a quick video on dealing with resistance
Do the rituals from your Rituals Ebook
Join the Patreon group for this course
Watch the video on working through resistance
Do the Releasing Resistance Ritual from your Rituals Ebook. Keep a journal close to reflect afterward. A cleansing walk or dance session may be needed to clear any lingering energy. (You may also need to review exercises about working through freeze responses again! Revisit your Nervous System workbook again, or look for supports in your area.)
2. Find your support circle - ceremony
First, do the Welcoming Fulfilling Relationships Ritual in your ebook. (This can be friendships, family etc!)
Next, open up your Notes app in your phone (or WhatsApp or Texts), and add 1-2 of your friends to it. These should be people you feel comfortable supporting and being supported by!
In this group chat, you’ll share the following daily (and so will each of your friends!):
Brags (yep! Tell everyone to get comfortable bragging at least once per day!)
Positive Changes or progress being made, things going right
Requests for advice, hugs, or words of kindness or encouragement during resistance
Mantras, Affirmations etc (make them fun!)
Requests for ideas/brainstorms around creating your ideal life and best future you! (For all of you!)
Set a reminder in your phone to check in daily with the group!
3. grounding exercises
Write down your grounding exercises to help you when you feel discomfort, anxiety, fear, or defensiveness (from yourself, or others) as you work toward positive change.
Power walks are a great way to reset your nervous system. They can help you get out of your head when you’re anxious, or help you find new ideas or solutions when you’re stuck. Put some good tunes on and go stroll!
Hike in nature - find a pleasant place to sit. Close your eyes and listen to the wind, birds, trees. Picture mother earth holding and supporting you, lending you the ground that you need to feel secure.
Yoga can help the nervous system and incorporates breathwork while helping you feel connected to your body.
Meditation and clearing energy while connecting to the ground is a great way to open up ease!
Dance, move, do anything that allows you to feel your body fully. Focus on your breath.
Ask your guides and Future Self to come to your aid!
lesson 8
Reflect & Celebrate
Come back to this section 3 months after you did your vision mapping and vision boarding.
Wow! Congratulations on your journey! I know that making these changes is not always easy at first, but when you do and stick with it, things just start to get good. I hope that you’re finding more flow and ease on the way!
Note: If you didn’t stick with it the whole time or you struggled to continue to trust the process, that’s ok! Trust is a muscle that we have to work on; it takes time for it to get stronger. But the more you work on it through everyday experiences, the stronger it gets.
Below are steps for reflection, and ways to celebrate your progress - ANY progress is worth celebrating. YOU are worth celebrating!
You’ll also find directions to do the whole process all over again! Remember, it works… IF you work it!
But, before you go, I wanted to tell you I’m super proud of you for giving this a try! That took some courage and an open heart - which is hard to have in a world that tries to harden us. Good job, and don’t forget; this is YOUR adventure. It is what you want it to be!
If you’d like, you can go back to the first lesson and start the process again for the next 3 months! Continuing to stay connected to your vision, roadmap, intentions and intuition will help you on the journey. (Reminder: you have access to this whole online course for the foreseeable future, so feel free to come back again and again!)
I’m honored to have been able to help you on the journey.
What you’ll need:
Any materials for Celebration in your Rituals ebook
Big piece of paper or posterboard
Markers/ pens/ something fun to draw/write with
Art supplies of your choice
Gather your friends or do this part solo! Plan a fun night of reflection, ceremony or a celebration of all of the ways you’ve grown! You’ll want to have space to write, meditate, dance, draw, talk, or eat. You can do this indoors, or outdoors. I recommend doing so under a full moon or during one of the seasonal equinoxes if possible to help you get in sync with the natural seasons of change. However, it’s not necessary as you can use these time periods to reflect what YOU need!
You can also do the Celebration Ritual at the end of your ritual ebook.
Use your worksheet here to reflect on the process and your progress over the past 3 months. You’ll have space to look at what worked for you, what didn’t, any adjustments you’d like to make moving forward, lessons learned, ways you’ve grown, etc.
Reflection is so important as it helps your brain learn that progress is possible and can help to create safety and joy in change!
3. Start again!
When you’re finished, return to the first Lesson in this course, and begin again to set the pace for the next 3 months! Each time you go through the 90 day cycle, you’ll get clearer, feel freer, and learn new ways to bring your highest and best future to life! Over time, you’ll discover how your intuition works, and feel more and more connected to your Soul Guides and Future Self. You’ll begin to feel like a new person… because you ARE one! This is truly an amazing gift to give yourself, and I’m SO proud of you for going with the flow on this one, even if it challenged you a bit to try it out!
Give yourself a HUGE hug, celebrate your progress, and get started with the next 90 day cycle by tuning in with your Vision mapping step back at the beginning again!
(Note: if you are holding any judgement over yourself still, you can also use the Releasing the Past lesson again. Visit yourself from 90 days ago before you started this cycle and let them know that you’re so proud of them, and you’re going to keep going to create a better future!)
Well done!