thank you for purchasing a seat for

The Art of clear channeling!

This class is designed for those who are ready to tap into their intuitive abilities and channel messages from higher consciousness in the purest, clearest way. In this course, you will learn how to become a clear channel, acting as an open vessel for guidance from Spirit, guides, and higher wisdom. This will cover how to channel, working with the body, learning how to use your voice - and more!

THE Course details


Class begins on Wed, April 9

Last Class is Wed, May 21

Classes are on Wednesdays @ 11am PST/ 2pm EST (90 min each)


Join here for our classes!


Weekly Step By Step Lessons, Body and Energy Practices, Unblocking of Channels, Learning to Let Guidance Flow, Using the Voice & Seamless Speaking Lessons, Body-Mind Shifting Techniques, Meditations and more!


  • ADD THE WEEKLY CLASSES TO YOUR CALENDAR - so that you don’t miss it! (But if you do, a replay will be available, tech allowing!)

  • REPLY to this email and let me know why you’re taking the course! What questions do you have? What have you already tried? How do you feel about speaking honestly and openly? What do you hope to learn or accomplish from being able to channel as a clear conduit for spirit or source?


  • A pen, and notebook, sketchbook, pad of paper

  • A good wi-fi or cell connection

  • Headphones (these will greatly help with the meditation portion)

  • Comfy seating and clothing (light, loose clothing makes a huge difference when channeling and meditating)

  • A quiet, calm space to focus well in

  • Time blocked off for 90 minutes (We may not use the entire time, but you’ll want it free just in case.)

  • Water, tea, or something to sip on for hydration. (It is very important to hydrate when you’re tuning in, learning to channel, or working with energy.)

  • If anything different is needed for a specific week, I will let you know ahead of time :)


  • Take 20 minutes before each class to get set up in a quiet, calm environment. There will be meditation in this class, so you’ll need to make sure you have a cozy, quiet, serene space set and ready. Somewhere you can focus easily and take it all in!

  • Meditate or sit and breathe for 5 minutes beforehand. (You will be taught techniques to use during our classes, but for beginning, simple breathing is enough.)

  • Come with an open mind, ready to learn, get curious, try new things, and ask questions!

I’m looking forward to this and to teaching YOU!

Have any questions? Reply to this email.



Psychic-Medium, Channeler, Spiritual Teacher

@spiritspeaker25 on tiktok, youtube, IG, SubStack and everywhere else

Patreon Group for Intuitive Fun and spiritual development: