Energy Themes & What To Know, Plus, updates!
Hellllooooooo!!!! (Cue Mrs. Doubtfire)
I want to share a few channeled messages that have been very strong and consistent the past week...
Intuition is on HIGH and operating in the moment. It may feel like you suddenly have a Pull to go somewhere, do something, try something new, or phone a friend. You may have a name pop in your head and then get a text from that person, or you may think about something you want or need, only to suddenly find it on a whim at a farmer's market by chance. This is fortuitous energy if you can flow with it! Let it floooowwww.
There are glimmers everywhere... do you know how to look for them?
This energy is sticky, and may leave you feeling tired, spacey, or meditative - almost "blank" at times. Lean into it. Meditate, sit outside, let yourself be immersed in it, nap, get extra sleep. If you're in this space, extra exercise may come when it's time - but not if you push through it. This sleepy energy will ease up a bit come September for most people.
There are big waves of enthusiasm and creativity on and off for people right now, despite the sleepy/spacey vibe. This means that you may feel a sudden urge to write, create, make, renovate, cook or clean in between those naps! Lean into it. We are learning to have the sudden inspirations work FOR us - without pushing or forcing. Flow into the pull.
If it's not a hell YES, it's a hell NO. What you keep in your life that doesn't belong will become clear. Go about this knowing and clearing kindly and intentionally, but don't hold back. If you KNOW, you KNOW.
There are many wonderful things about YOU, even if you feel like everything is going slow, sticky, or upside down lately.
No matter what, your guides are there, loving and helping you.
While I've been hiking and doing my thing, I've also been getting a few things ready to share with you.
Readings are going on on TikTok Live ($20 a pop, they're a STEAL!)
There are some new channeled messages and fun stories up on my tiktok page, and I'm putting more up each day.
AND... bum, bum, bum... I'm opening a monthly membership soon! This will include fresh channeled messages, classes, interviews with friends and the other side, and several lessons to add to it. This will also be a place for discussion, sharing, and opening doors, supporting each other and making new friends.