Glimmers, Glimmers, Everywhere!
The other day, I woke up early with a strong Pull to drive up to the mountains and get out for an early hike, grab some coffee, and do a little journaling. The mountain air, the lovely crisper morning weather, and the feeling of peace washed over me. There’s something special about being in the mountains in the early morning before it gets too hot, and I always know when I let myself really tune into my body and the world around me, I feel that glimmer. Hopping on the glimmer train becomes even easier!
So I drove the easy route up to my favorite spot not far from where I live. As I hiked around one of my favorite trails with the earliest of bikers and trail runners out (the early birds beat the heat!), I noticed the way the breeze moved the grass in the meadow, I heard the wind in the trees, and right in front of me, a bluebird! As I hiked on, I thought of my work and how grateful I was that I met so many wonderful people doing it. This led to me recalling with peace and appreciation that I’d met my good friend’s, Megan and Sarah, because of my work online years ago. I also wondered if I’d again meet more people, and then minutes later, received a message from someone who wanted to reach out and talk to me about creating a gathering for people like us - interested in the woo! Without even looking for it, the thing I was appreciating and wondering about was coming to me without me even doing anything.
As I reached the top of my hike and sat on a boulder to look at the view, I noticed how cool it was, how peaceful I felt, how suddenly it felt as if new beginnings were available. The landscape became crisper, brighter, and clearer, and I felt myself beginning to merge with the radiance of the world around me. Nature is so unconditional; it just exists and we get to exist with it! The more I sat, the more I felt as though all was right, right at that moment, at least for right now… I felt right as rain! I stared at the boulder I sat on, noticing the texture changes, the colors, the ridges that years and years had worn at, and my eyes started to well up with tears at its innate beauty. I mean, I was sitting on this rock that’s millions of years old, in this radiant place, in perfect weather, on a wonderful day, air in my lungs, heart beating, feeling it all, just being alive.
I loved ALL of it.
This is how glimmers begin. Start small, and let them grow bigger.
After I began to bask in all of these good feels, my intuition started to spark. Knowings and messages popped in, but I didn’t feel a need to grasp for them, to seek them, to control their flow. I simply allowed them in because I was already in the feeling of peacefulness. While this isn’t required for intuition to operate, it does help to be in a peaceful state.
Have this ever happened to you? It’s a glimmer! A glimmer is a moment when everything feels just right, when you feel like life is perfect, where a sense of peace washes over you - or love, or joy. It could be from something small, or something big.
Maybe you feel it when you pause and look at your kid’s smile, or you notice it laying in the sun, floating on your paddle board, or getting a sweet text from a friend. Maybe it’s a feeling of serenity during a long walk, or a sense of everything being alright - even if just for a moment.
I love these moments, and I love seeing other people having them.
They’re available ALL THE TIME! However, we often haven’t taught ourselves to look for them or open our minds to them.
With each glimmer comes a shifted perspective on life, of what’s possible, of the world around you. Suddenly, new ideas, intuitions, insights flood in, and the life you are living feels, well…. lighter again.
One way to encourage yourself to notice them, is to recall when you have noticed them before. See if you can pull up a memory of one. Use your five senses and find that peaceful, easy feeling. Let it wash over you. How does it feel for YOU?
A cool thing about this is that when you recall a memory - positive or negative - your brain doesn’t know the difference between past and present! It only knows “now”! So even if this thing has happened in the past to your logical mind, to your subconscious and your body, it is as if it’s happening right now, and now… and…. NOW!
Nature, music, and my kiddo are easy “door openers” for me to the other world, for intuition, and for glimmers.
What are yours? Share in the comments and let us know!
(Sometimes, by sharing, you open the door for more to come in. Other people may read your story and also start to notice little glimmers in their own lives because they’re inspired by it! So feel free to share!)