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Create Your Ideal Life

open for enrollment now

find your path, your purpose, and your gifts

with the help of your psychic senses and spiritual guides

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You know you’re meant for more.

you just know life could be easier, more fun, more fulfilling.

You’re right!

When you use your intuition and spiritual guidance everyday…

Things start to get good.

this is the way of the intuitive woman.

When you listen to your intuitive wisdom and spiritual guidance to create a life that feels good for you, everything seems to line up.

Things just come your way. You find what you need right at the right time. People seem to gravitate toward you, and you meet more who help you on your journey. Things and people that are no longer aligned, drain you, or hold you back just seem to … drift away. And the things you’ve wanted seem to come to easier, or even better things start to come your way. People from your past bump into you, and say, “Wow! You look amazing! Have you been doing something different?! Maybe some new skincare? Did you change your hair...?”

You smile because all you’ve done, is trust the wisdom within you, and the Guides who love you and want to help you.

You start to see what the future could hold for you - who you could be, and what you could do. TBH, it’s better than what you expected! Your mind buzzes with psychic visions that show you possibilities that you never could have even dreamed of before. You have a constant flood of intuitive insights that guide your everyday life. Your heart feels full, and your love for life grows.

In the past, you’d often held yourself back, but now, you look at your past self with compassion and hold her tight saying, “I know everything is going to be ok! Trust me!”

You have become the person you wanted to be years ago!

Suddenly making changes, becoming a new you - a lighter, happier, more creative, lit up you - just feels… easier. Natural.

The more you tune in, the better you feel, and the faster you see this better future unfolding beneath your feet. And, it takes way less effort! You just seem to know where to go, what to do, what to say, and to whom… and life begins to feel more magical! You have wind beneath your wings again.

You spend less time feeling stuck, drained, and anxious, and more time feeling clear, lit up, and calm. Having your energy tank full allows you to see a better future for yourself - and you finally think, “of course! Why not me?”

Your creativity goes on high, and you begin to think about what you can bring to the world… And you have the energy and insight to actually DO IT now!

While life isn’t perfect all the time, and you have “those days”… it just feels better and better than before.

Sounds fantastic, right?!

I know this is possible for you, because I’ve seen it happen.

The missing piece, is connecting to the natural wisdom and spiritual guidance that lives within you.

A fantastic future is possible for you.

That’s what this course will help you create.


a psychic roadmap to your ideal future

Sign up for the online course


the course outline

This course is designed to make life feel just a weeeee bit easier - and a bit more magical!

You deserve to have it good!

Over 8 lessons, you’ll begin to identify the right next steps for you, so you feel clearer and more excited about…

  • Your life plan/ideal future

  • Your unique path and purpose

  • Your intuitions & spiritual guidance

  • Your Soul’s wisdom

  • The flow of the Universe

The 8 Course Lessons:

  1. Make Peace with the Past & Get UnStuck

  2. Psychically See A Vision of Your Ideal Future (Plus, receive guidance from your Future Self & Soul Guides to help you!)

  3. See and Create Your Ideal Path, Set Intentions & Goals (with Vision Board, intuitive practices, rituals and specific process!)

  4. From Force, to Flow: Using Everyday Intuitive Actions & Spiritual Guidance to bring your vision to life with more ease

  5. Discover Your Superpower & Use It Well

  6. Move and Groove, Relax and Receive: Remove Blocks to Receiving Everything The Universe Has In Store for You

  7. Resistance: Moving through your own Resistance, and how to handle Resistance from other people

  8. Reflect & Celebrate Your Growth: Recalibrate If Needed


what else is included in the classes:

  • Meditations to help you connect with your psychic senses, your Soul Guides and your Highest Future Self so you can see what’s possible for you!

  • 8 lessons that you can do at your own pace, and go back to over and over again! (There are no live classes as I know everyone has different schedules.

  • Lesson Worksheets (downloadable and printable)

  • A Create Your Ideal Life Rituals and Ceremonies eBook (Ex: Releasing Ritual, Energy Clearing, Inviting Soul Guides, Releasing Toxic Relationships, and more)

  • Daily Intuition Tracking Journal (downloadable and printable!)

  • Unique Practices and Rituals to help you with each step of the process.

  • Create a vision board that works better, & learn how to energetically charge it

  • Strengthen Your Intuition & learn the difference between intuition and anxiety

  • Learn your personal signals for HELL YES! and NO WAY, so your path and decisions are clearer

  • Energy Drain vs Energy Drain Worksheet

  • Worksheet about the nervous system and how to get out of freeze and into flow!

  • Elevate and expand your energy, instead of draining it

Plus! Join our online course community on Patreon for live Q&A, discussions and bonuses! (This community is only for people who take this specific course. It is not open to the public.)


your next steps

  • Click the purple/pink button below to pay (There is a payment plan available!)

  • The lessons are online on a secure website so you can do them whenever you wish on your own. You’ll receive access to ALL of them right away so you can go at your own pace.

  • You can start this course at any time that works for you. And, you can go do it over and over! Whatever works for you.

  • It is up to you how long you space out the lessons! Some people may want to cover one lesson per week. Others may do the whole course in a day or over a weekend.

  • Reach out to me if you have questions about the course here:

Disclaimer: this course and any services, offerings, products and information on this website or offered by Allison Horner, Intuitive Soul Collective, LLC aka spiritspeaker25 on Tiktok is not a replacement for professional mental health, medical advice. It is not a replacement for any professional advice of any kind and is for entertainment purposes only. Your actions are your responsibility. There are no guarantees with purchase. Try it out, enjoy the process, and do your best!


I’m Allie!

your teacher and psychic-medium


i’m just your friendly, neighborhood psychic!

I’m Allie, the psychic next door, and I’ve been a professional psychic medium for nearly 10 years now. You likely know me from my Tiktok Live readings or posts (I’m @spiritspeaker25). For the last decade, I’ve done readings, taught courses, run group gatherings, and hosted my Wine and Woo nights. This is what I love to do… but it’s been a JOURNEY to get here. (And I don’t have it all figured out yet: you shouldn’t trust anyone who claims to.)

A long time ago, I struggled with anxiety and didn’t know how to trust myself or even how to use my intuition. I was told that there was one way to live, and that if I didn’t do things the “right way”, I would end up alone, broke, and unhappy. So I tried very hard to fit everyone else’s ideas of “right” for years: right body, right job, right partner, right clothes, right college, right lifestyle, etc, etc. I ended up with severe anxiety (which I thought was normal), and a worsening eating disorder. I was totally cut off from my heart, from my spiritual side, from my intuition… and it was slowly killing me.

Then one day in June, just about 15 years ago, I found myself at rock bottom. I’d had a horrendous year - one of those years where everything that can go wrong, does. Laying on the floor of my room, I finally let go and sobbed.

“I’m doing what everyone told me to do! I’m so tired of trying SO HARD all the time just to end up back in this spot again. If this is the “right” way - as everyone says - why am I still unhappy? Why isn’t this working for me? There must be an answer!”

Then, a voice spoke.

A sudden, quiet, peaceful, sure presence washed over me.

“If you continue the way you are going, you will not survive it.

It is time to make a change, and there is a much better path for you - one laid long ago.

Trust me, and I’ll bring you everything you want.

It will take time, but rest assured: I am the creator of all things.

Follow me.”

Suddenly, I was wrapped in a blanket of peace, and before I knew it, I’d fallen asleep. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I’d been answered by my Guardian Angel - a Soul Guide, if you will. Someone assigned to me before birth to help me navigate my life. This guide isn’t able to force or make changes; only to guide us along the way.

The next day, I tried something new and foreign to my anxiety-ridden self: I meditated. I just felt…. good. The anxiety I’d been dealing with since childhood was washing away. The more I meditated, the more I saw visions of my ideal future - and it was nothing like the life I’d been living before! No wonder I’d been so unhappy!

Over the next 5 years, I took big and small steps toward feeling better like meditating daily, going for walks, eating a brain-friendly diet, turning down drinks to choose anxiety-free mornings, and ending crappy relationships that didn’t feel good. I changed my job and started looking for ways to work that made sense for what I needed. I moved to Colorado, got a dog, went through a divorce, and had my son!

The more I followed my knowing of what I needed to create my ideal life, the stronger my intuition grew. The stronger my intuition grew, the more I could see my ideal life coming!

About 10 years back, I had a full blown “satori” awakening experience, and came into contact with spiritual guides and loved ones on the other side. It was like coming home. I felt like I was always meant to do this work, but I had just… forgotten for a while. Mind you, I wasn’t looking for it. I didn’t believe in or really know much about any of that stuff; it just happened.

Because I was listening to my soul again, I started to see a vision for my life, my purpose, my path… my way. No wonder I’d been so sick and sad before: I had hurt myself trying to do what everyone else wanted. My path was NOTHING like anyone else’s. Following my own path kept me healthier spiritually, mentally, and emotionally!

Things got better and better for me when I worked with my spiritual team’s guidance, listened to my intuition, and started to live my life the way I needed to. New people came into my life who were aligned to me - my soul family. I felt freer and happier. I kept ending up in the right place at the right time and had tons of crazy intuitions about things. I started to see that things could get better, and that life could be beautiful.

Soon, I began doing readings for others, channeling my guides and celebrities from the Other Side, and taught courses, ran groups, and hosted retreats! (I used to do much of my channeling on Facebook and YouTube back in the day. Then TikTok came along, and I began to make videos and do readings live there, too.) The more I stay dedicated to my practice of tuning in with my Soul Guides and Future Self, the more I feel at peace, excited, at ease on my path!

I created this course for YOU.

It will help you find your unique path, your unique way forward that uses YOUR intuition. While I can’t make any guarantees and know we all have unique Soul paths, I do know it has worked for many of my previous clients and students. It worked for me as well. Just know that there is no one path, no one way, and over time, you will find yours.

The more people who feel good inside and out, the more happiness and at least peace will spread, and then others can begin to feel it, too.

 A few things…

  • The course is not “one size fits all”… nor is life. That is why it helps you tune into your own intuition, so it is right for you.

  • Go at your own pace!

  • This is not a replacement for therapy or any professional mental health advice. I’m simply sharing something that has worked for me and many people that I have worked with.

  • Take what you want, leave the rest. Tweak steps or add your own practices as needed! Make it work for you.

  • My personal policy: if any step is so difficult that it’s bringing up tears or stressing you out, let it go. Come back later.

  • If some steps don’t feel right for you, don’t do them.

  • Meditating more often, talking to guides or your higher self, using your intuition… can feel “weird” at first! Totally normal!

  • It works the more you work it. Not everything you try will work the first time around, and that’s ok! New practices or ideas take time to work.

  • Embrace surprise and delight! Use this course and these practices doesn’t guarantee that everything you want or see will come true! There will still be many experiences that you could never predict - and even BETTER.

  • The goal is not to know every little piece of your future. The goal is to feel a little bit better as you go living your life.


  • Nope! All of the lessons are available online, so you can do it at your own pace. :)

  • This course will help you with some intuitive development, and no! you do not already need to feel very intuitive :)

    And like my mentor used to say, "It works if you work it."

  • Of course it's for you! This is for really anyone who wishes to change the way they are doing things. Who wants to make life feel a little easier, just a little bit better every day over time. Who wants to feel a little more tapped in, and tuned into their highest and best future, with their inner knowing guiding them. This is about trying a new way - not being perfect or being "right" all the time. Sound like something you're willing to try? Let's go!

  • Of course! i just ask that they donate a bit in good faith :)

  • No, and when it comes to things like your path, your vision, your purpose, I wouldn't look for a guarantee from anyone. This is simply another way that may help you feel better and better, and may help you entertain new ways of living life.

  • Your Guides are your spiritual power posse assiigned to you before birth. They can be beings we never knew in this life, or people we did know like a beloved grandfather or friend who passed. They are unconditionally loving and here to help you create a wonderful life and world. Each person has guides, but not many have contacted them directly. (If you're a bit skeptical, that's ok too! You'll get the opportunity to connect with them in this course, or you can simply focus on tuning in with your intuition more than your guides. They and I will not judge either way. :))

  • Price is $149 US, and you can pay via Paypal, Venmo or CC. (There is a "Pay Later PayPal option, too.)

    Links to purchase are below and further up the page.

  • There will be a section for vision boarding, creating a ritual, and creating an alter. However, you do not NEED to do these parts if you choose not to, or if something works better for you :) You can use what you have available as well! (Also, if you don't want to spend too much more, I recommend getting poster board at the dollar store, finding magazines that are being recycled, or using what you have!)

  • Nope! Go at your own pace :)

  • For as long as I'm coaching and teaching! I will continue to have this, or something updated for the foreseeable future.

  • Talk to your therapist or licensed mental health professional first. This is not a replacement for therapy or any professional mental health advice. I’m simply sharing something that has worked for me and many people that I have worked with. Only you and your therapist will know what is helpful for you at this time.