Discover the Wisdom Hidden In Your Spiritual DNA - with The Gene Keys

Several years back, I was given some guidance by a past friend to look into my spiritual DNA at the time. I was channeling a lot, and felt deeply and intuitively connected to my guides. At this time, I was teaching courses, channeling messages on Facebook for groups of people, and loved the process I was in! Yet, there were still some things missing, and it just so happened that the Universe connected me to exactly the right people at the right time to help me, and I was able to help them as well. One of those people introduced me to the Gene Keys.

The Gene Keys provide keys to access wisdom hidden in our spiritual DNA through the art of contemplation. The system serves as a sort of map to our higher essence, to our path, our purpose, gifts, and themes that may show up in our lives to help us evolve (until there is no longer anything to evolve!)

While I’ve found the gene keys to be insightful and helpful, I also know that the lifestyle I need is simplicity, ease, intuition, communion with my own Soul’s path. So for a while, I was not drawn to them deeply, and I don’t know that I’ll ever be any sort of expert in this system that Richard Rudd so elegantly channeled years ago.

However, I have returned to them time and time again in little moments, and found that the books have always held some insight right when I needed it!

The gene keys are deeply connected to the I-Ching, which according to the dictionary is, “an ancient Chinese manual of divination based on eight symbolic trigrams and sixty-four hexagrams, interpreted in terms of the principles of yin and yang. It was included as one of the “five classics” of Confucianism.”

The gene keys are also a companion to Human Design and astrology, as well as other systems. Each system provides insight to discover the soul’s plans for this lifetime, welcoming easy discovery and insight into certain themes, events, gifts, wounds, challenges, and opportunities through the 64 gene keys.

Each gene key has 3 main frequencies:

  • Shadow (core wound)

  • Gift (Transforming the shadow into a gift for self and others on Earth)

  • Siddhi (a state beyond the physical which is the highest essence and expression of the gene key. This would be the state that the Masters have reached. The irony is, when you reach the Siddhic state of any gene key, you transcend space and time and are one with everything, so all of the 64 Siddhis are actually ONE core frequency! Kind of a mind F, right?)

The gene keys can be very overwhelming at first! I found myself sort of absorbed in the language in the book, while also not fully grasping it until later, which is not uncommon! My own chart looked like a sort of elegant roadmap, but it took me time to fully grasp how it works and why it’s structured the way it is. (There is more on this flow of how to read your own chart on the Gene Keys website that Richard Rudd and his team created. He explains it far better than I ever could.)

With the gene keys, what you need to know is the words alone are somewhat of an activation; even if you don't cognitively understand them right away, when you read the book or the reports I’ve been channeling for people to help them, it sort of "turns on" certain things in our spiritual DNA. We have a ton of "junk DNA" that really isn't junk at all! This is where much of this activation begins - but it doesn't always feel like much is happening right away.

When I began reading the book on the 64 gene keys, it seemed Richard’s mind works similarly to my own. The book echoed many insights I’d received from my Spiritual Guides over the years. This work of channeling is like a way to bridge gaps between where we are, and where our evolution needs to take us, and I loved it!

What helped me most, was seeing what was in my chart, and learning to work with it, not against it.

For example, I have long suspected that my career would be something unconventional. Even when I was young, I knew that my career would exist far outside of the subjects taught. As I grew into my own sense of self in my 20s and 30s, I began to lean into my inner wisdom more, and more. My career which felt flat and lackluster for a long time, ended, and suddenly, I experienced a massive re-awakening about 10 years ago, and started doing readings, teaching classes, and helping people with their intuition and mediumship. I began channeling higher consciousness messages and working with more people. The more I stay in my intuitive work as a channel, the better my life flows and my prosperity grows.

When I looked into my gene keys a few years back, right there in the sphere called “Life’s Work”, was gene key 57: Intuition and Clarity!

Funny, considering my work is literally being a psychic-medium and channel!

I had literally walked right into the work I am meant to do, and turned on the gift needed to do it well for myself and others! I also have gene keys of Ascension; I am here to experience my own through my connection to the other side, and to guide others in the collective awakening. Any time I turn away from this purpose and gift, my life takes a turn for the worse. I lose money, feel frustrated, and feel deeply disconnected from myself and my purpose. When I allow myself to be who I am, to do the work I came to do, everything flows, lights up, creative ideas come to mind and people flock to me. It isn’t perfect every day - but it works far better! I feel healthier and happier, and my life seems to just work in a better way.

This is just one example of how the gene keys can help to uncover core gifts, life’s work, purpose, or your path and why some things just work for you while others don’t! There is so much more to it. It can be complicated or overwhelming to try to learn on your own at first, though.

If you would like a Gene Keys report channeled by me, go to this page and check it out! (Note: these can include specifics upon request like knowing what gifts you came to use, career guidance, important personal themes and opportunities, relationships and things you may have to overcome, ways you’re meant to work in the world, etc!)