Full Moon In Leo: Big D* Energy Without The D*
This Full Moon in Leo is a powerful time for self-expression, confidence, playfulness, and stepping into your creative power. Leo energy encourages boldness, authenticity, and joy, making it a great time to release self-doubt and embrace your unique gifts.
However, the Sun is in Aquarius - all about “them” and the collective, causing these energies to highlight the push-pull nature of honoring the self, while being conscious of the other. Indeed, it’s a great time for creating that which serves me and we, us and them.
All for one, and one for all.
I’ve felt something brewing personally for quite some time, almost like there is THIS on the surface… while THAT is going on underneath the soil. We must trust that more is coming and that we are part of creating it right now. Honoring your own gifts while allowing your leap forward to transmute any shadows will be key; but watch your impulsivity right now. It is high time to allow the light to come while the dark breeds magic, transmutation, and movement beneath.
Transparency will be key right now; illumination of what is long held beneath the surface may come forward. Allow it to do so! Do not hold back on what you are, who you are here to be, or what your Soul is calling you to do. For that is the gift you give to yourself and to all - your collective evolution is calling for this transparency and that transparency will create transformation. You are the magicians, the artists, the seers and the writers of the divine play; are you creating consciously or creating from complacency, fear, or lack?
On Patreon, we have a ritual you can do, with burn and release and some reflective prompts for you. Sign up here to join us for full moon energy release and refresh!