Are you having a spiritual awakening? Here's how you know...

I had actively participated in every moment of the creation of this life—so why did I feel like none of it resembled me?
— Elizabeth Gilbert from Eat, Pray, Love

Do you feel like you’re waking up, like there’s more to life than we’re told? Like you’re being called for more depth, more passion, more… something? But you don’t quite know what it is? Maybe you’re sensing things you normally don’t, or knowing things you have no way of knowing—and you’re right about them. It’s strange. You’ve had intuitions before, but this feels different.

“What is happening to me?” you wonder.

I asked myself the same thing when I first reopened my spiritual door ten years ago, before jumping into this work professionally. If there’s something you’re wondering about, I’ve probably wondered the same thing, and asked my guides about it—or learned the hard way. Not always the most fun route, but here we are.

Listen, intuition isn’t weird. It’s a natural ability to discern truth from untruth, like an inner GPS that’s always online, always trying to point you in the right direction. But like any GPS, you can always choose not to listen to it. It’s not advised, but we all like to live dangerously sometimes. And honestly, many people have to experience what intuition isn’t before they fully understand what it is. Life is the teacher.

And if someone had taught us this in school or college, it would have saved me so much time and energy! It would have helped me navigate all the things that come with an innate ability to communicate with the dead or know things I had no way of knowing. Having someone to teach me that this was a gift, not a curse, would’ve helped me avoid shutting it down for so long—which led to years of anxiety, migraines, stress, and some very strange turns in life. But all of that ultimately brought me back home to myself.

Since I didn’t have anyone to teach me when I was young, I relied on the wisdom of my Spiritual Guides to help me through my spiritual reawakening. They taught me everything I know. Listening to them deepened my abilities and helped me navigate the sudden awakening I experienced ten years ago.

When I say sudden, I mean sudden. One day I was living my life, and the next, I was seeing dead people, knowing things before they happened, and feeling like I was about to lose my mind. And I nearly did! I was this close to needing a vacation in a padded room. But with guidance from my spirit team, I was able to ground myself and figure things out. They taught me how to channel, how to identify the energies around me, and how to work with it all.

Having gone through those beginning stages largely on my own, I understand how disorienting a sudden awakening can feel. It’s exciting, but also overwhelming. You’re suddenly sensing, feeling, and knowing things that don’t make sense… until they do. And, let’s be honest, that’s a lot to process.

Now, after nearly a decade of guiding others through their intuitive development, I know it’s my calling to continue. Every time I’ve tried to shut it down, I’ve gotten sick or sad. I even tried medications to stop my intuition, but they just made it stronger. (If you’re into astrology, Gene Keys, or Human Design—intuition and psychic ability are all over my charts. My Life’s Work Sphere is literally Clarity/Intuition in Gene Keys.)

If you’re experiencing any of these things, you might be in the early phase of your spiritual awakening:

• Your intuition is popping off—it’s so strong it’s almost distracting.

• You “just know” things you have no way of knowing, and you’re seeing more and more proof that you’re right.

• You feel buzzy and spacey at times, like you stuck your finger in a light socket. At other times, you feel drained, tired, or anxious.

• You’re getting early morning wake-up calls, with creativity surging and intuitions flowing. Welcome, 4am club.

• Synchronicities and signs are everywhere, but you’re not sure what they mean. “What does it all mean?!”

• You can’t help but ask yourself: “Isn’t there more to life? Aren’t we here for something greater? What’s my purpose?”

• You crave depth, spiritual growth, answers to bigger questions—to feel alive, to uncover the secrets of the Universe.

• This quest for meaning can make you feel more isolated because no one around you “gets” it. The Hermit might even be your Tarot card of the month.

• You feel drawn to Tarot, Oracle cards, and spiritual readers. Maybe you’ve picked up a deck at a boutique or found yourself exploring energy healing—even if that’s not normally your thing. And that local crystal shop is starting to look really appealing.

• Once, you were driven by societal or familial goals, but now, even if you meet those goals, you don’t feel happier. You feel… worse.

• You’re not sure how to change things, but you know you must.

• You’re going through an identity crisis. But it’s a good thing! Like a snake shedding its skin or an onion peeling away its layers—your true self is there, ready to emerge.

• You’re burned out—mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically. This isn’t something a vacation or a spa day can fix. Pushing harder will only leave you more sick and sad.

• You’re more sensitive than usual, like you have energy arms reaching out, touching everyone and everything around you, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. You’re picking up on others’ emotions, thoughts, even physical ailments—and sometimes it feels like you’re invading their privacy.

• You might feel this heightened sensitivity to animals and nature too, often feeling more compassionate toward them.

• Gossip, drama, energy-draining topics, and the news repel you. The competition game is no longer of interest. You question why you ever wanted to play that game in the first place.

• You increasingly crave time in nature. Being outdoors, surrounded by trees and rain, feels more nourishing than being inside with noise, TV, and plastic. You feel like a plant in need of sunlight.

• You’re extra emotional right now because, 1) you sense others’ feelings, and 2) you’re feeling your own deep emotions that were once buried.

• Your spidey senses are cranked up—you know who will call before they do, what will happen before it happens, and you feel like you know the next step to take, even if you don’t fully trust it yet. And you’re learning how to handle the constant flow of intuitive info.

• You feel like you’re being guided by something larger than yourself, even though you’re not sure what it is.

If any of this resonates, welcome to phase one of your spiritual awakening journey. This is the beginning of your big show.

As disorienting as these new awakenings can feel, be sure to get support if you need it. There are mental health professionals who understand what you’re going through and won’t call you crazy—they’re equipped to support you. And if you’d like, join my group linkefor Patreon!

Stay tuned for my next post on Phase 2: Spiritual Awakenings Beyond the Dark Night. I’m posting more on Substack and sharing on my podcast GETTING GHOSTED: AN INTUITIVE SOUL COLLECTIVE PODCAST as well :)