the course outline

This course is designed to make life feel just a weeeee bit easier - and a bit more magical!

You deserve to have it good!

Over 8 lessons, you’ll begin to identify the right next steps for you, so you feel clearer and more excited about…

  • Your life plan/ideal future

  • Your unique path and purpose

  • Your intuitions & spiritual guidance

  • Your Soul’s wisdom

  • The flow of the Universe

The 8 Course Lessons:

  1. Make Peace with the Past & Get UnStuck

  2. Psychically See A Vision of Your Ideal Future (Plus, receive guidance from your Future Self & Soul Guides to help you!)

  3. See and Create Your Ideal Path, Set Intentions & Goals (with Vision Board, intuitive practices, rituals and specific process!)

  4. From Force, to Flow: Using Everyday Intuitive Actions & Spiritual Guidance to bring your vision to life with more ease

  5. Discover Your Superpower & Use It Well

  6. Move and Groove, Relax and Receive: Remove Blocks to Receiving Everything The Universe Has In Store for You

  7. Resistance: Moving through your own Resistance, and how to handle Resistance from other people

  8. Reflect & Celebrate Your Growth: Recalibrate If Needed


what else is included in the classes:

  • Meditations to help you connect with your psychic senses, your Soul Guides and your Highest Future Self so you can see what’s possible for you!

  • 8 lessons that you can do at your own pace, and go back to over and over again! (There are no live classes as I know everyone has different schedules.

  • Lesson Worksheets (downloadable and printable)

  • A Create Your Ideal Life Rituals and Ceremonies eBook (Ex: Releasing Ritual, Energy Clearing, Inviting Soul Guides, Releasing Toxic Relationships, and more)

  • Daily Intuition Tracking Journal (downloadable and printable!)

  • Unique Practices and Rituals to help you with each step of the process.

  • Create a vision board that works better, & learn how to energetically charge it

  • Strengthen Your Intuition & learn the difference between intuition and anxiety

  • Learn your personal signals for HELL YES! and NO WAY, so your path and decisions are clearer

  • Energy Drain vs Energy Drain Worksheet

  • Worksheet about the nervous system and how to get out of freeze and into flow!

  • Elevate and expand your energy, instead of draining it

Plus! Join our online course community on Patreon for live Q&A, discussions and bonuses! (This community is only for people who take this specific course. It is not open to the public.)


your next steps

  • Click the purple/pink button below to pay (There is a payment plan available!)

  • The lessons are online on a secure website so you can do them whenever you wish on your own. You’ll receive access to ALL of them right away so you can go at your own pace.

  • You can start this course at any time that works for you. And, you can go do it over and over! Whatever works for you.

  • It is up to you how long you space out the lessons! Some people may want to cover one lesson per week. Others may do the whole course in a day or over a weekend.

  • Reach out to me if you have questions about the course here:

Disclaimer: this course and any services, offerings, products and information on this website or offered by Allison Horner, Intuitive Soul Collective, LLC aka spiritspeaker25 on Tiktok is not a replacement for professional mental health, medical advice. It is not a replacement for any professional advice of any kind and is for entertainment purposes only. Your actions are your responsibility. There are no guarantees with purchase. Try it out, enjoy the process, and do your best!